Competition Team

Competition Schedule

Tryouts are held after recital.
There is a $10 non-refundable fee to try out.
SDA instructors will place dancers on teams according to skill level, NOT by age.
Tuition: $40 monthly/$320 per year (per class)
Duo/Trio: $250 per dancer (one-time fee)
Solo: $400 (one-time fee)
Costumes: $100 each
Extra Classes: $25 to $50
Studio Rental: $5
Group Entrance Fees: $70 to $90 (per comp, dancer & routine)
Solo/Duo/Trio Entry Fees: $130 to $190 (per comp, dancer & routine)
Comp Drop Class Fee: $100 (per team)
Summer Classes: $375 (1st style) + $25 (additional styles)

​Competition team members are the face of Steps Dance Academy. They are the dancers seen near and far at competitions, camps, events, and recitals. Therefore, they are held to a higher standard and must adhere to a set of rules separate from that of a recreational dancer. These rules and policies include but are not limited to:
Attendeance at choreography camp and technique classes during the summer is required.
No more than 3 absences are allowed per competition class.
Consistent inappropriate, or disruptive, behavior may result in a probation period, or expulsion from the competition team.
Team members are required to attend the SDA Dance Convention
Click the link below to view the Comp Team Contract.​